Our new design Transformer Loss Measuring System has passed the customer inspection. Samgor TMS system offer a perfect solution to accuracy measuring the losses at no load and load condition, even cover quality factor is lower to 0.008.
Samgor new structure impluse voltage test system has passed type test and start to mass production. In the furture, our IVG system delivery time can shorten to one week. Customers can finish the inspection and acceptance first and then place the orders. It will be a big revolution for testing service.
Samgor Americas had the opportunity to be present at the INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON ELECTRICAL TESTS SISEE in Cali Colombia. Where Eng. Daniel Garza gave a technical talk on "Improvenments in pulse generators high voltage: high versatility and efficiency test".Talk that had a favorable impact on attendees as they were very interested in the innovative proposals that Samgor Americas has for the...